Inside3D tutorials.
Created By: ShockMan
Difficulty Scale:

Step 1
Ok, a little chase cam tutorial for the people...

First open up defs.qc and add this line at the bottom of the file:

	.vector camview;
Second, open client.qc goto PutClientInServer and after:
	DecodeLevelParms ();
	W_SetCurrentAmmo ();
   	if ( self.aflag )
		CCamChasePlayer ();
then in PlayerPreThink after:
	if (self.view_ofs == '0 0 0')
		return;		// intermission or finale
   	if ( self.aflag )
		CCamChasePlayer ();
then in weapons.qc goto ImpulseCommand and add:
   	if (self.impulse == 15)
		CCam ();

Step 2
Then comes the big part... make a new file called ccam.qc and add this:
void () CCam;

  void () CCamChasePlayer = 
     makevectors (self.v_angle);
     traceline ((self.origin + self.view_ofs),((((self.origin + self.view_ofs)
       + (v_forward * self.camview_z)) + (v_up * self.camview_x)) + (v_right * self.camview_y)),FALSE,self);
     setorigin (self.trigger_field,trace_endpos);
     WriteByte (MSG_ONE,5);
     WriteEntity (MSG_ONE,self.trigger_field);
     self.weaponmodel = "";

  void () CCam = 
     local entity camera;
     local entity spot;

     if (self.aflag == FALSE) 
        self.aflag = TRUE;
        camera = spawn ();
        spot = spawn ();
        self.trigger_field = camera;
        camera.classname = "camera";
        camera.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
        camera.solid = SOLID_NOT;
        setmodel (camera,"progs/eyes.mdl");
        setsize (camera,'0 0 0','0 0 0');
        makevectors (self.v_angle);
        traceline ((self.origin + self.view_ofs),(((self.origin + self.view_ofs)
           + (v_forward * -64.000))),FALSE,self);
        self.camview = '0 0 -64'; // added
        setorigin (camera,trace_endpos);
        camera.angles = self.angles;
        self.weaponmodel = "";
        msg_entity = self;
        WriteByte (MSG_ONE,5);
        WriteEntity (MSG_ONE,camera);
        WriteByte (MSG_ONE,10.000);
        WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,camera.angles_x);
        WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,camera.angles_y);
        WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,camera.angles_z);
        sprint (self,"Chase Cam On\n");
        self.aflag = FALSE;
        msg_entity = self;
        WriteByte (MSG_ONE,5);
        WriteEntity (MSG_ONE,self);
        WriteByte (MSG_ONE,10);
        WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,self.angles_x);
        WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,self.angles_y);
        WriteAngle (MSG_ONE,self.angles_z);
        remove (self.trigger_field);
        sprint (self,"Chase Cam Off\n");
        W_SetCurrentAmmo ();

Step 3
Now just add ccam.qc to progs.src before weapons.qc and run Quake, type impulse 15 in the consol and there ya go!! :)