Inside3D tutorials.
Created By: ShockMan
Difficulty Scale: Medium

Step 1
In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a FLASHLIGHT! Kewl stuff. So, like.. let's get started ;) First, create a file caled flash.qc, and place this QC code in it.
void() W_SetCurrentAmmo;void() flash_update =
        // The Player is dead so turn the Flashlight off
        if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
                self.effects = 0;

        // The Player is alive so turn On the Flashlight
                self.effects = EF_DIMLIGHT;  

        // Find out which direction player facing
        makevectors (self.owner.v_angle);

        // Check if there is any things infront of the flashlight
        traceline (self.owner.origin , (self.owner.origin+(v_forward * 500)) , FALSE , self);

        // Set the Flashlight's position

        setorigin (self, trace_endpos+(v_forward * -5));

        // Repeat it in 0.02 seconds...
        self.nextthink = time + 0.02;

void() flash_on =
        // Make a new entity to hold the Flashlight
        local entity myflash;

        // spawn flash
        myflash = spawn ();
        myflash.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
        myflash.solid = SOLID_NOT;
        // this uses the s_bubble.spr, if you want it to be completly
        // invisible you need to create a one pixel trancparent spirit
        // and use it here...
        setmodel (myflash, "progs/s_bubble.spr"); 
        setsize (myflash, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');

        // Wire Player And Flashlight Together
        myflash.owner = self;
        self.flash = myflash;
        // give the flash a Name And Make It Glow
        myflash.classname = "flash";
        myflash.effects = EF_DIMLIGHT;
        // Set Start Position
        makevectors (self.v_angle);
        traceline (self.origin , (self.origin+(v_forward * 500)) , FALSE , self);
        setorigin (myflash, trace_endpos);

        // Start Flashlight Update
        myflash.think = flash_update;
        myflash.nextthink = time + 0.02;

void () flash_toggle =
        // If Off, Turn On
        if (self.flash_flag == FALSE)
                self.flash_flag = TRUE;

        // If On, Turn Off
                self.flash_flag = FALSE;
                W_SetCurrentAmmo ();
                self.flash.think = SUB_Remove;
                self.flash.nextthink = time + 0.1;

Step 2
Ok, now open up defs.qc and add to the end:

.float flash_flag; // On/off for the flashlight
.entity flash;   // flash entity

Step 3
then open up weapons.qc and find ImpulseCommands and before:

self.impulse = 0;


if (self.impulse == 30) 

Step 4
Now, what we have to do, is to add the flash.qc to the progs.scr file. Do that by adding flash.qc in under defs.qc.

Step 5
Now complie the patch and run it, type impulse 30 at the consol and there you go... cool, huh? =)