Water Splash
Created By: Tux
eMail: tux@admdev.com
Difficulty Scale: Medium

This tutorial adds a splash effect for when objects enter the water.

Step 1.

Open up Defs.qc and scroll down to the very bottom and add:

.float splashy;
.float cansplash;

Step 2.

Open up client.qc, and add the following line to the bottom of PlayerPostThink.


Step 3.

Open up progs.src and add "splash.qc" to it, just above client.qc. Create a new file called splash.qc and add the following code to it:

void() blue_particle_trail =
	particle (self.origin, '0 0 0', 210, 140);
	self.think = blue_particle_trail;
	self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
void() zap_splash =
	local entity zap;
	zap = findradius(self.origin, 100000);
	while (zap)
		if (zap.classname == "splash")

		zap = zap.chain;

void(vector place, vector splashvel) SpawnSplashy =
	local entity splashie, sp_kill;
	splashie = spawn();
	splashie.origin = place;
	setmodel(splashie, "progs/null.spr");
	setsize (splashie, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX);
	splashie.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
	splashie.classname = "splash";
	splashie.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
	splashie.velocity = splashvel;
	splashie.think = blue_particle_trail;
	splashie.nextthink = time;
	//splashie.touch = SUB_Remove;

	sp_kill = spawn();
	sp_kill.origin = place;
	sp_kill.think = zap_splash;
	sp_kill.nextthink = time + 0.7;

void(vector spot, vector splashsize) Splash =
	local vector splash1, splash2, splash3, splash4, splash5, splash6, splash7, 
	local vector vsplash1, vsplash2, vsplash3, vsplash4, vsplash5, vsplash6, 
vsplash7, 	vsplash8;
	local vector last;
	local float holder;

	splash1 = spot + '50 0 16';
	splash2 = spot + '-50 0 16';
	splash3 = spot + '0 50 16';
	splash4 = spot + '0 -50 16';
	splash5 = spot + '50 50 16';
	splash6 = spot + '-50 -50 16';
	splash7 = spot + '50 -50 16';
	splash8 = spot + '-50 50 16';

	holder = splashsize_x + splashsize_y;
	holder = holder / 2;

	vsplash1 = normalize(splash1 - spot);
	vsplash1 = vsplash1 * holder;
	vsplash1_z = splashsize_z * -1;

	vsplash2 = normalize(splash2 - spot);
	vsplash2 = vsplash2 * holder;
	vsplash2_z = splashsize_z * -1;

	vsplash3 = normalize(splash3 - spot);
	vsplash3 = vsplash3 * holder;
	vsplash3_z = splashsize_z * -1;

	vsplash4 = normalize(splash4 - spot);
	vsplash4 = vsplash4 * holder;
	vsplash4_z = splashsize_z * -1;

	vsplash5 = normalize(splash5 - spot);
	vsplash5 = vsplash5 * holder;
	vsplash5_z = splashsize_z * -1;

	vsplash6 = normalize(splash6 - spot);
	vsplash6 = vsplash6 * holder;
	vsplash6_z = splashsize_z * -1;

	vsplash7 = normalize(splash7 - spot);
	vsplash7 = vsplash7 * holder;
	vsplash7_z = splashsize_z * -1;

	vsplash8 = normalize(splash8 - spot);
	vsplash8 = vsplash1 * holder;
	vsplash8_z = splashsize_z * -1;

	last = '0 0 0';
	last_z = splashsize_z * -1;
	last = last * 0.5;

	SpawnSplashy(splash1, vsplash1 * 0.5);
	SpawnSplashy(splash2, vsplash2 * 0.5);
	SpawnSplashy(splash3, vsplash3 * 0.5);
	SpawnSplashy(splash4, vsplash4 * 0.5);
	SpawnSplashy(splash5, vsplash5 * 0.5);
	SpawnSplashy(splash6, vsplash6 * 0.5);
	SpawnSplashy(splash7, vsplash7 * 0.5);
	SpawnSplashy(splash8, vsplash8 * 0.5);
	SpawnSplashy(spot, last);

void() CheckSplash =
	local entity checker;
	local float check;
	checker = findradius(self.origin, 100000);
	while (checker)
		if (checker.cansplash == 1)
			check = pointcontents(checker.origin);
			if ((check == CONTENT_WATER) && (checker.splashy == 1))
				checker.splashy = 0;
				Splash(checker.origin, checker.velocity);
			if (check == CONTENT_EMPTY)
				checker.splashy = 1;

		checker = checker.chain;
Now to use this you need to find the spawn functions for things you want to make splash and add:

[entity].cansplash = TRUE;

Step 4.

The following step is optional. We'll make grenades splash, open up weapons.qc and to W_FireGrenade, after the line missile = spawn(); add:

missile.cansplash = TRUE;

Now compile and run!