Created By: Hades
Difficulty Scale: Easy/Medium

Calling all DeathMatch freaks! U've all heard about the wonderful new
Deathmatch Mode 4, right?
(If u haven't, see yer Doctor, 'cause u must be dead :)

Anyways, These are the steps u need to take to add DMv4.0 to your own Patch!
note: i don't know if this is how curmo did it, but this way works as well)

Step 1


Open up client.qc in your favorite text editor (I use Notepad and/or Dos Edit) Scroll down until u find the 'PutClientInServer' Function
Now, look for these lines: self.attack_finished = time; self.th_pain = player_pain; self.th_die = PlayerDie; if (deathmatch == 4) { = 250; //Set your Health level self.armorvalue = 200; //Set your Armor level self.armortype = 0.8; //This gives u the weapons and the armor self.items = (self.items | IT_AXE | IT_SHOTGUN | IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN | IT_NAILGUN | IT_SUPER_NAILGUN | IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER | IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER | IT_LIGHTNING | IT_ARMOR3); self.invincible_time = TRUE; //Temporarily Invulnerable self.invincible_finished = time + 3 + (random()*2); self.items = (self.items | IT_INVULNERABILITY); self.weapon = W_BestWeapon(); //Optional - Start them with the best gun W_SetCurrentAmmo(); //Optional }
Now, find the 'CheckPowerups' function Found it? Good. Now, find and add the following code:
if (self.invisible_finished < time) { // just stopped self.items = self.item - IT_INVISIBILITY; self.invisible_finished = 0; self.invisible_time = 0; if (deathmatch == 4) if (self.aflag > 0) //Used for determining If they were self.aflag = self.aflag - 1; //The bonus items or not } .... if (self.invincible_finished < time) { // just stopped self.items = self.items - IT_INVULNERABILITY; self.invincible_time = 0; self.invincible_finished = 0; if (deathmatch == 4) if (self.aflag > 0) self.aflag = self.aflag - 1; } ..... if (self.super_damage_finished < time) { // just stopped self.items = self.items - IT_QUAD; self.super_damage_finished = 0; self.super_time = 0; if (deathmatch == 4) if (self.aflag > 0) self.aflag = self.aflag - 1; } 1e. Alright now, almost done with Client.qc, just find the 'PlayerPostThink' function. Now, at the very end of it, put this code if (deathmatch == 4) { //This stops them from running out of ammo. if (self.ammo_cells < 100) if (!self.aflag) //this checks to see if they have bonus self.ammo_cells = 100; //items or not, if they do, don't give them cells if (self.ammo_shells < 100) self.ammo_shells = 100; if (self.ammo_rockets < 100) self.ammo_rockets = 100; if (self.ammo_nails < 200) self.ammo_nails = 200; } Phew! All done with Client.qc. Now, next step:
Step 2


Ok, now find the 'BackPackTouch' function, it should be near the end. Now, find this code: if (other.weapon == best) { stemp = self; self = other; self.weapon = W_BestWeapon (); self = stemp; } if (deathmatch == 4) { = +; //Give them the extra Health sprint(other, "You get 10 health\n"); if ( > 299) //If they got over 300 health, Power them Up! { other.ammo_cells = 0; //Set cells to 0 so they don't go 8xDamage Discharging and stuff sound (self,CHAN_VOICE,"player/land2.wav",TRUE,ATTN_NORM); //Play a sound so they know sprint(other, "Octa-Damage!! Bonus Pentagram!! Bonus Ring!!\n"); //Tell them what they get //This stuff gives them the items and sets the Time limits other.invincible_time = TRUE; other.invincible_finished = (time + 30); other.invisible_time = TRUE; other.invisible_finished = (time + 30); other.super_time = TRUE; other.super_damage_finished = (time + 30); other.items = (other.items | IT_INVULNERABILITY | IT_QUAD | IT_INVISIBILITY); = 250; //set their Health back to 250 other.aflag = 3;//Set the flag so that the Lightning doesn't recharge //and so T_Damage does 8x damage } }
Find the 'DropBackpack' Function, It should be right below the last one Put this code at the end of it: if (deathmatch == 4) = 10; Wow! We're done with items.qc now. The rest is pretty simple.

Step 3


In the function 'W_Precache', paste this code precache_sound2 ("items/protect.wav"); //Just to stop some annoying precache_sound2 ("items/protect2.wav");//'Sound not precached' precache_sound2 ("items/protect3.wav");// messages
Now, find the 'W_Attack' function Find this code: if (self.weapon == IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) { player_rocket1 (); W_FireGrenade (); if (deathmatch == 4) self.attack_finished = (time + 1.5); //Grenades fire only every 1.5 seconds else self.attack_finished = (time + 0.6); }
AAAAAlllllrighty then. Just one more small change and yer ready to go!



Find the 'T_Damage' function, and add this: local vector dir; local entity oldself; local float save; local float take; local float no; //Used to decide if it's a rocket jump or not. if (!targ.takedamage) return; if (deathmatch == 4) if (inflictor.movetype == MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE) //If it's a rocket... if (inflictor.owner == targ) //And it's your Rocket... if (targ.jump_flag > 0) //And u just Jumped... no = 1; //Don't hurt u. damage_attacker = attacker; if (attacker.super_damage_finished > time) { damage = (damage * 4); if (deathmatch == 4) if (self.aflag > 0) //If they have the bonus items... damage = damage * 2; //Double the damage to 8x } if (!no) { //If it's a RocketJump, don't take yer armor down. save = ceil (targ.armortype * damage); if (save >= targ.armorvalue) { save = targ.armorvalue; targ.armortype = 0; targ.items = (targ.items - (targ.items & ((IT_ARMOR1 | IT_ARMOR2) | IT_ARMOR3))); } targ.armorvalue = (targ.armorvalue - save); take = ceil (damage - save); if (targ.flags & FL_CLIENT) { targ.dmg_take = (targ.dmg_take + take); targ.dmg_save = (targ.dmg_save + save); targ.dmg_inflictor = inflictor; } }
K, last but not least add this: if (no) //So it won't continue to hurt u. return; if (((teamplay == TRUE) && ( > FALSE)) && ( == return ;

Step 5
Yowza! I think that's it folks.
Compile and try it. There's a damn good chance I forgot something,
so if it don't work, Email me and I'll Fix the Tutorial.

HTMLized by: Adrian "Mr. Pink" Finol