Inside3D tutorials.
Created By: QuakeGod
Difficulty Scale: Easy

Step 1
This is the first part of a two part tutorial on making and defining classes. This first chapter will be the simplest and will just allow you to choose 2 different classes but the classes won't do anything different, that's being saved until the next chapter. Here are two simple things to remember when looking at the code :
Add the code in blue.
Delete the code in red.
Leave the code alone in white.

Step 2
The first thing you will want to do if open up the weapons.qc file. Scroll down to where you see the ImpulseCommands function. This is where you will add the code to change classes and to show what class you have.
void () ImpulseCommands =
	if (self.impulse >= 1 && self.impulse = 8)
		W_ChangeWeapon ();

	if (self.impulse == 9)
		CheatCommand ();
	if (self.impulse == 10)
		CycleWeaponCommand ();
	if (self.impulse == 11)
		ServerflagsCommand ();
	if (self.impulse == 12)
		CycleWeaponReverseCommand ();

	if (self.impulse == 100)
		classpick();        //calls the function that changes the class
	if (self.impulse == 200)
		showclass();        //calls the function that shows you what class you have

	if (self.impulse == 255)
		QuadCheat ();
	self.impulse = 0;

Step 3
Ok, now right after the ImpulseCommands function, you will want to add the classtype function and the showclass function. This function will allow you to choose between two classes and it also will set you up so it automatically calls the showclass function. The showclass function will actually show you what class you have.
	if (self.impulse == 100)

	if (self.impulse == 255)
		QuadCheat ();
	self.impulse = 0;
};    //end of the ImpulseCommands function

void() classpick =

	if (self.classtype == 0)
		self.classtype = 1;    //the variable is now set to the old guy class

	else if (self.classtype == 1)
		self.classtype = 0;    //the variable is now set to the Quake guy class

void() showclass =

	if (self.classtype == 0)
		centerprint(self, "You are the Quake Soldier");	
	else if (self.classtype == 1)
		centerprint(self, "You are an old soldier");


Step 4
Now all you have to do is add the variables and functions to the defs.qc. First open the defs.qc file. Then add the variables and functions as shown here.
void		end_sys_fields;			// flag for structure dumping

//put the new variables after this

.float classtype;
void() classpick;
void() showclass;

Step 5
Wow! We're done with lesson 1! Well, compile this code now and run it. Impulse 100 will switch between classes and impulse 200 will show you what class you currently are, not like it matters what class you are though. Tune in next time to find out how to actually make the classes different.