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Difficulty Scale: Easy

Remove those ugly teleporter pads!

Open g_misc.c

in void SP_misc_teleporter delete these lines:

gi.setmodel (ent, "models/objects/dmspot/tris.md2");  
ent->s.skinnum = 1;
ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX;

in void SP_misc_teleporter_dest delete these lines:

gi.setmodel (ent, "models/objects/dmspot/tris.md2");
ent->s.skinnum = 0;
ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX;

Heres the scoop on these lines....

gi.setmodel (ent, "models/objects/dmspot/tris.md2");  this line tells Quake2 what model to use for the teleporter. In this case it uses a hexagon shape.

ent->s.skinnum = 1;  This one puts a texture on to the hexagon shape.

ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX;  This makes the hexagon shape a solid object... meaning you can't pass through it.

Welp, thats it! Dead easy tut!
