Created By: Drywall
Difficulty Scale: Easy

Hi there.  This tutorial will attempt to transform Force Seeing into what I call Force Create.  What you specifically create is ammo.  Unfortuantely, I haven't been able to test this tutorial, so let me know if for some reason it doesn't work.  Be careful when running your Jedi Knight patch, because unlike QC which warns you when you make an error, Jedi Knight will just crash your system if your patch has an error.  Yeah, it's a pain.  Anyways, here we go:
Step 1 

Open force_seeing.cog and replace the activated message with this: 

   if(!IsInvActivated(player, 23))
      mana = GetInv(player, 14);
      if(mana >= cost)
         if(GetInv(player, 65) != 1) ChangeInv(player, 14, -cost);

         rank = GetInv(player, 23);
         if(rank == 1) flags = 0xc;          // players & actors
         else if(rank == 2) flags = 0xc;     // players & actors
         else if(rank == 3) flags = 0x1c;    // players & actors & items
         else if(rank == 4) flags = 0x3c;    // players & actors & items & projectiles

         // Play activation sound
         PlaySoundThing(seeingSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);

         ChangeInv(player, 11, 500.0);  // Give Player 500 Engergy cells
         ChangeInv(player, 12, 500.0);  // Give Player 500 Power cells
         ChangeInv(player, 15, 30.0);   // Give Player 30 Rail charges
Well, it's simple, but it should work.  Since I haven't been able to test it (I deleted JK for Ultima Online and left the Jedi Knight CD somewhere else heheh...oops)
HTMLized by James "Drywall" Layman