Title : Jaws Mini-mod Filename : jaws.zip Version : 1.0 Date : 2-2-2000 Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith Email : frika-c@earthling.net Credits : Terry "Akuma" Goodwin for the shark skin Ashley "Ze0" Reynolds for the fists from his Fist Fight mod Phillip "Kryten" Martin for the swimming player model / tutorial Type of Mod ----------- Quake C : yes Sound : yes MDL : yes Level : yes Format of QuakeC (if a Quake C Mod) ----------------------------------- unified diff : no (and yes I know what that is!) context diff : no (and yes I know what that is!) .qc files : no progs.dat : yes Description of the Modification ------------------------------- Loosely based on the movies to which it borrows it's name, in this mod, one player is chosen to be "Jaws", all other players are pretty helpless humans. Should any of the humans make it to the shore, they respawn and becomes Jaws. Being Jaws is very desirable since you can earn a lot of frags quickly. Well, you'll figure it out. Also included is a FrikBot 0.09 that plays "acceptably". The waypoints could be redone for the map, there is only two routes to shore for the bots. This is my stab at trying to cash in on the latest mini-mod "craze" sweeping the community. I'm not entirely convinced that this is as fun as it could be, but by some of the re assurances I've gotten over ICQ that it's pretty good, I'm releasing it all the same. If you have any suggestions or comments on what could make it better, post them to either the MDQNet board, or email them to frika-c@mdqnet.net NOTE: If you have low RAM, or are annoyed by the music, you can rename/delete pak1.pak and the game will play without music. How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- Make a subdir of your quake directory entitled "jaws" and place all files in this archive, using your favorite unzip utility, in that folder. Start quake with the parameter "-game jaws -listen 8 +map jaws". Impulses =========== 100 Add a bot 102 Remove a bot 15 Chase camera Any suggestions, please mail me at frika-c@earthling.net Technical Details ----------------- Known Bugs ========== None that I know of. Availability ------------ This modification is available from the following places: MDQNet at http://www.mdqnet.net/