DeathMatch Essentials 1.1

Creator RAzOR Entertainment

What we all wanted.. - Anyone remember those days when Quake was released and we all wanted to see which weapon the other players where using? Of course, that was impossible, since it'd take ages to model all those frames, and everything. Yes, is't hard, but not impossible. And RAzOR Entertainment has just proved that with releasing a DM patch which will let you see which weapon the other players are using!! And that's not all.. You will also be able to duck while using it! Interesting? Read on!

A DM pack it is.. - I have only once tried this in deathmatch (one again, over a LAN) and everything felt so natural! I can't beleve why Id didn't add this to quake in the first place. It's just so cool running around with your rocket launcher, and blasting those with shotgun's, while hiding from those with the Shaft. "Simply brilliant"

That means it's good, right? -DOH! Of course! How many times do i have to say that, eh? There are also a few cool features like when you shoot a wall, you blast some of it off.. (the evel still looks the same, though) Even better, it can run on almost any mashine, that goes for those 8MB RAM folks, too.. So, wat more can i say? It's greate, it's fun, it's usefull. What more can you ask for?


.. here they are!

I think he just got a face lift ;)

.. ducking with rocketlauncher

Overall Rating: 94%
Models: 96%
Sounds: 92%
Feel: 95%