QuakeRally 1.2

Creator The Impact Team
Download Impact's download
Homepage http://www.impact.frag.com/rally

9 months?! - After waiting 9 months, and then some, QuakeRally is finally here. it's hot, it's gorgeous, it's everything you've ever dreams of! Before i start this review, i'd just like to advice you all to start downlading right away.

So what's this about? - I bet you've all played racing games, and of course you've all played Quake. If you put a "+" between those 2 game types, you'll get ..you guessed it .. QuakeRally! having waited for QRally (QR from now on) in over 9 months, i was very excited. I couldn't beleve that i was downloading RQ.. for real! I had been following QR from almost the start, and i knew that Impact was going to deliver what they said they would... a patch like no other! I unzipped the .exe into \rally, and fired up the front-end included in the package. I selected the BMW Z3 out of 6 other cars, fixed the controls a bit, and fired it up.. the big moment was finally here..

It was hot! - "O'baby, does this looks good!", i though to myself. The intro demo was rally a blast itself, and i couldn't wait to try the game itself. Luckily, i was having a little "5 friend" network party at my house at that time, so i got to try it over a LAN right away. All i can tell you is.. it was a blast! We played it 3 hours and 45 minutes in-a-row on qrdm02 (Interstate '95) (with me winning ;) I'm lost for words.. (sure, you can quote that, Ridah ;-)

Singleplayer then? - I must admit that i haven't played much single player QR, but i have tried it ... a bit. It was really fun that too, but since i'm "used to" LAN playing, i can't really tell you what it will be for those who download it, and are forced (yeah, right) to play it in singleplayer only. All i can tell you, is that if you're leaving this patch behind, you are leaving endless hours of fun behind.. that's probably the best thing i can say about it ;)

Tech stuff - There are 6 weapons included in this patch, from homing rockets, to Repulsor's (An electric bar which surrounds the car protecting it from bump damange and giving 4x the damage to things you hit!) There are also 7 cool looking cars included, each of them with different models and sounds. So what are you waiting for? Gentlemen, start your engines!

nice view, or what!?


crusin' the city

pretty kewl, eh?

Overall Rating: 95%
Models: 94%
Sounds: 90%
Feel: 96%