HeadHunters v.2.0

Creator Charlie Zimmerman, Jamis Eichenaver
Download HH20CL.ZIP
Homepage http://www.planetquake.com/headhunters

The Basics - HeadHunters is a damn cool mod, the objective is to get your oponents heads and take them to the altar, where the gods give you frags, on teamplay, you can pass the ball... i mean head to your team members, so you score more frags, so sit down, and let me introduce you to... HeadHunters.

The Deathmatch - Playing HeadHunters all against all is the greates thing since Pepsi, i mean, you get one head, and you better not put it on the Altar yet, why? you may ask, well, if you go and get another head, then you got 3 frags when you bring the head to the altar, its like this: first (1) head + the second (2) head = 3 head (1+2 = 3) get it?, you bring three heads (1+2+3 = 6) you get 6 frags!, but here is the dangerous part, when you got all your enemies head, you become the target, they see all the heads in your hands, and see a blood trail, and you become the target, i recomend getting three heads and run to the Altar to get those frags, i love it, its damn cool, and fun. I love the messages, they`re like: Mr. Pink offers Mr? putrid skull to the gods ;), bottom line: it rules.

The Teamplay - Teamplay its cool too, you can be in a team and work by your self, but then your frags are gonna suck, but if you work with your team members, you get your frags up, in teamplay you can pass the head to your team members, so if you got a head and pass it to your friend, then that head its worth 2 frags, but if you pass it to another friend its worth 3 frags, and all the team members who touched the head, all get the frags!, it doenst work if you pass it to a friend and he pass it back to you.. no mister, that head its worth only 2 frags. When you see that your team member got your head, scort him, couse hes carring you frags!, teamplay rules, but i still like more the all against all mode.

The Maps - The maps are well done, in fact spoon city rules!, but there are some bugs, and i think one of them is on the map DCDM5, there is a respawing point were you just got traped in the floor, and you can`t move!, i remember when i played, all in the server were like: "hey come and kill me!", "Hey free heads here!" and stuff like that. Some levels are spooky, and some are cool, but who takes time to look at the maps when your head is on danger?.

The Features - HH got some nice features, i love the haunting mode, where when you get killed, you dont respawn and wait to get carried to the Altar, when they drop you there, you get in hauting mode, where you become a flaming skull, and go biting all your killers, but the haunting mode lasting time limited based on your frags, also you get a cool Grappling hook, it remplace your nailgun (thing that i dont like), and fires a nail that stick in the walls, you can use it to balance like youre George of the Jungle, but it can also break by some object in that way, the sounds of HH are one of the best i have heard!, i love the backward voice of the Gods, so when youre near the Altar you hear the voices, and they scared me a lots of time (i play quake without lights and with headphones), the graphics.. i love the new player.mdl, the skins rules, and when you loose your head, the body looks without a head, i love it!, the new nailgun (grapplin hook) model its ok, but i must say everything rules!!!

So, what do i think? - Well i think you better go and download it right away, 'cause i know your name and your email address!, this is one of the best patches that i played, and i think it will rule the cosmos!, cool gameplay, cool sounds, cool gibs, a cool patch.

Thanks to my friend Eric "Rapture" Spry for the gl pics.

The Altar of the Gods.. ALELUYA!!

You`re out of your mind?!.. oh i got your mind!!.. sorry!

Say cheese...

Cool!, now. were is my head?

Overall Rating: 80%
Teamplay 75%
Deathmatch: 90%
Graphics: 60%
Sounds: 95%
Maps: 65%