Killer QCBot v0.94 beta

Author William 'Killer-Sub' Ravaine
Homepage Killer QCBot Home Page
Download CDROM.COM
Reviewer MaDmAn

Well I downloaded this patch at about 10:00. I stopped playing this patch at about 10:08. All I have to say about this patch is....NO! There are a few pluses for this patch but not a whole lot.
Getting Down to Business
Grappling Hook Included
Friendly Bots Implemented
New Nail Traps Implemented
New "MEGA-BOMB" Implemented
Bots use lasers and flame throwers at random
Two "NEW" weapons added -flame thrower, flame rocket
Bots run through teleporters at times

Bots aren't all that smart
They are horrible aimers
They have trouble climbing up steps
They can't necessarily swim
They are a little on the slow side at times
They are extremely easy to avoid
They will toast you till you die...extremely annoying
When they run they don't run and shoot, they stop, shoot, and run
You can only have 16 ,including yourself for some reason team bots and enemy bots
They chase after you into water, flail, and drown

All in all, this is one slow bot. You will often find yourself making your presence known just to get the damn bot to follow you. I know it's beta and has a lot of bugs (and I mean a LOT), but still. Take my advice, don't waste your time.

Bot In Action

Killer with blue shirt showing his stuff Patch does not check if player failed to follow instruction and allows player to spawn more bots than allowed.
Somebody tell him to shutup!