A DLL in Delphi? What's that?  Keep reading for some pretty cool info!

I believe that Delphi is the best development for creating DLLs. Delphi makes the whole process relatively painless and gives full flexibility. Instead of talking about it, lets dive right in and let’s look at what it takes to build a DLL.

Sample DLL

To create a sample DLL go to Delphi’s File|New and select DLL. This will give you a sample DLL skeleton that looks like this:

This will compile into a DLL called Project1 but in fact it doesn’t do anything at all. Lets add a ‘HelloWorld’ procedure.


Just after the uses clause add this:

procedure HelloWorld; stdcall; export;

     MessageBox(0,'Hello World.', 'From DLL', MB_OK);


This HelloWorld procedure just displays a simple messagebox with and OK button. First off, the keyword stdcall tells the compiler the calling convention to be used for this procedure. Calling conventions are beyond the scope of this article. Lets just say that the stdcall calling convention is the standard way that functions in Windows are called and leave it at that. The next keyword tells Delphi that we want to export this procedure so that it can be called from another process.

Save the project (File|Save Project as) as SampleDLL and compile it. (Project|Compile or Ctrl+F9). You now have a DLL called SampleDLL.DLL that has one exported function called HelloWorld.

Now this HelloWorld procedure can be called from any windows program that knows about it. When I say "knows about it" I mean that it knows that there is a procedure called HelloWorld in the SampleDLL.DLL. There are two ways to call a procedure in a DLL. One is implicit linking and the other is called explicit linking.

Implicit Linking

This means that the function that you want to call is hard coded into the program and that windows will do all the dirty work of finding the DLL and Loading it at runtime. This is the easiest way to import function and procedures from a DLL but also means your program won’t run if it can’t find the DLL or the procedure you want to import.

Now that you saved and compiled the DLL lets create a simple program to call the HelloWorld procedure.

Create a new application (File|New Application) and Drop a button on the form. Double Click the button and add code into the event handler so it looks like this:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);



Gee, that was simple. But there is one more small thing you have to do. Remember, I said the program had to know about the procedure HelloWorld. Well you tell it by declaring an import statement. Go to the implementation section and type this line.

procedure HelloWorld; external 'SampleDLL.dll'; 

This tells the compiler that you want to import and external procedure called HelloWorld and that it can be found in a DLL called SampleDLL. That’s it!

Explicit Linking

This means that you are going to take care of all the messy details in locating the DLL and calling the procedure yourself. This is a bit more work but the code is straightforward. The benefits of this are that you don’t have to bomb out if the DLL can’t be found. You could exit gracefully or call some sort of default. Ok on to the code. Add another Button to your form and add the following code so that it looks like this:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  hMod : THandle;
  HelloWorld : procedure;

  hMod := LoadLibrary('SampleDLL.DLL');

  if (hMod = 0) then Exit;

  @HelloWorld := GetProcAddress(hMod, 'HelloWorld');

  if @HelloWorld <> nil then HelloWorld;


This Loads the DLL and locates the address for the procedure. If it was found then it is called. Then the DLL is freed. This gives you a lot more flexibility but it does require some more code. You would probably add some default behavior if the procedure was not found.

Your sample program

If you now compile and run your sample program you will see a form with two buttons on it. Pressing either one will both produce the same result - A small message box that says HelloWorld.

Things not covered

There are a number of things I did not cover in this short tutorial. There is a DLLEntryPoint procedure that windows expects to see in all DLLs. There is one in your sample you don’t see because it was created for you. You can define your own but that is only really required when you want to be notified when the DLL is first attached and detached from the calling process and when threads are created and terminated. 

The DLL you made can be called from a C program or C++ program as long as the calling convention is the same. That is why I suggest always using stdcall.

Also you can make DLLs that hold resources such as bitmaps, AVIs, strings, etc.


I hope that this tutorial has enlightened you a little. If you never used Delphi before I’m sure it was an eye opener. It really didn’t take much to create a sample DLL with a HelloWorld procedure and the two ways of calling it were fairly simple. There were a few things that I didn’t cover but really are more advanced topics that you can find out more about when the need arises.
- Posted by Fatty, written by Robert Kozak